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  • Pastor Ryan

Day 10 - Matthew 5

This section begins what is often called "The Sermon on the Mount." Some of Jesus' most well-known sayings are found in these chapters. Notice, as Jesus unfolds the nature of his kingdom, that many aspects are opposite from worldly systems of power and privilege (including, in many cases, contrary to "religious" views).

1. The section of 5:3-12 is known as "The Beatitudes." If you can, either type this section out - or better yet, write it on paper. Read it carefully and slowly. Select one of the "blessed" statements and briefly explain it.

2. What do the pictures of salt and light in 5:13-16 tell us about how we should live?

3. Sometimes we hear people contrast the law (i.e. rules and commandments) with grace and freedom. Surely that view builds on New Testament teaching, perhaps most of all upon Paul's letters. In this chapter, specifically 5:17-20, how does Jesus describe his relationship to the Old Testament writings (Law and Prophets)?

4. In the book of Exodus, Moses went up a mountain to receive The Ten Commandments. Here, Jesus is on a mountainside teaching. In what ways does the teaching of Jesus correspond to the commandment of Moses not to murder, and how does it differ?

5. Surely, loving one's enemies must be one of the most difficult principles of the Jesus-following life. If we do this, according to what Jesus said in Matt. 5:45, how will we be known?

Maybe it would be wise to say a quick prayer for those people in your life that feel like opponents or enemies. As you do this, and as you make a habit of doing so, you are reflecting the deep love of Jesus. What a gift!

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