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  • Pastor Ryan

Day 20 - Matthew 15 ("Hands, hearts, crumbs and leftovers")

Today's reading contains three stories: Jesus is questioned, a lady demonstrates remarkable faith, and Jesus feeds 4,000+ people. Let's look at these one at a time.

1. Jesus is never bound by human tradition or custom - in fact, he frequently breaks these. He does so, in many cases, to show the heart of the matter, and to show the heart of the person who is asking or, worse yet, trying to force him into something. No different with the question about hand washing.

(a) What commandment does Jesus refer to, as he points out, that the more significant error is on the part of the Pharisees?

(b) The reference in Matt. 15:8-9 to Isa. 29:13 is powerful and cuts right to the heart: you honour me with your lips but your hearts are far from me. What does this mean?

(c) Jesus discusses what defiles a person and makes them unclean. What does he say about this?

(d) What does Jesus say is the source for evil thoughts? And, as we on occasion may have evil thoughts, what can we do to become right again with God?

2. In the 1st century, it was not common for a Jewish rabbi to speak with a Canaanite woman in public, or in private for that matter. Therefore, Jesus' initial silence is expected. But, that is not the end of the story.

(a) Why does this woman continue to pursue the issue? What must be motivating her?

(b) In v. 24, Jesus states that his mission is to God's covenant people Israel (of which she is not a part). I do not think this was reluctance to help her (as we read in the next few verses), but him providing context and background for the Messiah. How does the woman express her GREAT faith?

(c) What a simple prayer/request in v. 25, "Lord, help me!" This is a profound, short, desperate prayer. Have you ever prayed this? Is there perhaps an area in your life that you want to ask Jesus for help?

3. The feeding of the 4,000 reminds us in many ways of the feeding of the 5,000 in Matthew 14.

(a) What are some of the similarities and what are the differences?

(b) What is the one word from v. 32 that characterizes Jesus' attitude/emotion toward the crowd?

(c) Given that Jesus fed a large group very recently, does the question/statement of the disciples in v. 34 surprise you?

We might wonder why Jesus did not work more quickly in the gospels and when see that in this chapter. He waits for the Pharisees to challenge him, before he exposes their heart: lack of care for parents (a critical community and family requirement) and incapable - blind - leadership.

He waits until the woman persists, before healing her daughter.

And he asks the disciples to take care of this large group - knowing, all the while, that they have already taken a quick inventory of food on-hand, and it won't be enough.

In each case, the learning, the growing, and the strengthening of faith, happens gradually. Unmistakably, but gradually.

Jesus' concern is always for the other - this is the root of love. He waits, he is patient, he asks questions in order for people to think and respond. Ultimately, to make space for people to think about him and to respond in worship.

Do you sometimes feel like Jesus is moving too slowly in your life? Haven't we sometimes wished that God would do a specific thing, immediately, and in a certain way? And, even if this is not a selfish end (e.g. you are praying for someone else in their time of need), sometimes things don't unfold according to our timeline.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes Jesus does something spectacular, and he does it quickly; often, even, before anyone has asked or noticed. He is always working, lots of the times, unobserved.

I think this is how faith is grown. Slowly, patiently, deliberately, with care and questions. It is a strong thing, to be sure, but not the sort of thing we can acquire like last-minute studying for an exam.

So, take a moment to pray. First, acknowledge God and thank him for his goodness and his presence in your life. Second, call out for his help, just as the Canaanite woman did. And third, state your commitment to him, as he leads you, and as you grow in faith. Would our faith be a bit stronger than it was yesterday.

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