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  • Pastor Ryan

Day 30 - Matthew 25 ("Bags of Gold, Streets of God")

1. To this point, most of Jesus' parables have been about the great in-breaking of God's kingdom (in the present). Essentially, Jesus himself is the indicator of the kingdom's arrival (he embodies the kingdom because he is the King).

Here, however, notice that this parable is future-oriented or forward looking: "at that time..." (v. 1). What is the conclusion of the parable in v. 13 and what perspective should this give us for how we live?

2. Briefly summarize The Parable of the Bags of Gold (vv. 14-30).

3. In light of this parable, how should we live? Specifically, what should we do with the talent, resources, opportunities - and life - that God has entrusted to us?

4. Matthew 25:40 is a verse worth memorizing. Briefly discuss why it is so important.

5. The idea that Jesus "shares" with us, is an idea worth exploring. We see in v. 21 and v. 23, "Come and share your master's happiness!" Similarly, in v. 34 there is an invitation to "come" and to receive an "inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world." Quite clearly this is a reference to Jesus' inheritance and Jesus' kingdom - and we share in this, if we are found in him.

How do you feel when you think about the extraordinary grace of God to share with you those things that belong to him? Perhaps write a short paragraph and turn this into a prayer.

In this chapter, Matthew includes three parables of Jesus. This is the final bit of teaching before he is betrayed and moves toward the cross.

What he teaches here is forward looking. First, it is for the disciples; and, though they don't know it yet, soon Jesus will not be present among them physically and bodily (though, present powerfully in the Holy Spirit who will descend upon them).

Therefore, Jesus warns them and gives final instruction. What attitude to have, what to focus on, what to value. This is for us too. Maybe all of this could be summarized in two words: be ready (or, live ready).

This mindset will keep us from complacency and from becoming stale in our faith.

A critical component of the Christian life is to extend grace and care, just as Jesus did. Practically, this involves showing hospitality to and caring for "the least." Because, Jesus teaches, what we do for them, we are doing for him. And, if we neglect this call, we should ask ourselves if we truly know him in the first place.

This warning, like all of Jesus' teaching, is offered in love. It is serious because his kingdom is serious. How could we ignore that, in order to bring about this kingdom, Jesus had to die?

If we trivialize or neglect his sacrifice; if we fail to acknowledge him; if we rely on ourselves and pursue only our own concerns - we are not truly living. In fact, that is the absence of life (i.e. death). And that outlook and that behaviour anticipates prolonged and eternal separation from God.

We would do well to ask ourselves then: Who is my king? And to what kingdom do I belong? And, in the end, at an unknown day and hour, which kingdom will be my home for eternity?

Hear Jesus' invitation one more time: "Come and share."

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