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  • Pastor Ryan

Day 31 - Matthew 26 ("Perfume, Coins, an Ear, and Legions of Angels")

1. Can you find a connection between the celebration of Passover and the death of Christ? If you can, briefly explain.

2. What sort of plan did the chief priests and elders want to carry out and why did the feast make it more difficult (vv. 3-5)?

3. What was the significance of the act in vv. 12-13? How and when will this woman be remembered?

4. Based on what Jesus said about the cup (vv. 27-29), why and for whom is the blood of Jesus poured out?

5. In vv. 31-35, Peter was ready to die with and for Jesus. And yet, by vv. 69-75, the prediction of his three denials has taken place, and we read, "And he went outside and wept bitterly" (v. 75). This may be a tender question, but have you ever let Jesus done in a similar fashion? Perhaps ignoring him or living/speaking/behaving as if you don't know him? How did you come to a point of repentance?

6. What did Jesus say about the state of his soul in v. 38?

7. Jesus' betrayal, arrest, false conviction, and death sentence - all fulfilled biblical prophesy. In this sense, these events were necessary, though still very brutal. Every time, Jesus was obedient and faithful. If he wanted to fight back, what did he say he could easily do (v. 53)?

8. How does the detail of the ear (v. 51) make you yet more certain that this is an eye-witness account? In other words, this actually happened, exactly as it is said.

9. What sort of evidence were the chief priests and the Sanhedrin looking for (v. 59)? What sort of witnesses came forward (v. 60)?

10. What do people do and say to Jesus in vv. 67-68. What is your reaction to this?

This is a relatively long chapter filled with a number of different scenes - my translation has nine short sections.

From Jesus' prediction that he will be handed over, to him being present before Caiaphas, Matthew moves his reader along quickly and covers a lot of ground.

Each interaction and event is critical to the story. Each of these nine sections deserves its own post, video, and sermon series.

In the interests of our daily study, however, let me just leave you with a few observations.

Notice the tension: Jesus feels every punch and slap, yet he is in complete control. Jesus predicts who will betray him and who will deny him. He does not resist or make any excuses - at every turn and in every moment, he is aware that he is fulfilling Scripture, and accomplishing the purpose for which he was sent.

And yet, still painful. Still overwhelmed in his soul. Still with feelings of loneliness. Still praying through exhaustion. And, to the very end, obedient.

As we think about how Christ is presented to us in Matthew 26, we are, I hope, in awe. Wow!

Everything Jesus does and says is remarkable and powerful and inspiring. Even if the story is familiar to us, it is no less incredible, every time we read it. Every time.

And, as maybe you take a moment to pray, realize again that this was necessary so that you could be forgiven and set free. That you, though now from a geographic and historical distance (time has passed), you are profoundly involved in this story: to receive it and to share it.

What an amazing invitation this is, and what an extraordinary price has been paid.

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