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  • Pastor Ryan

Day 33 - Matthew 28 ("Risen")

1. Who went to go look at the tomb?

2. What does the angel say to the women in vv. 5-7?

3. We learn in v. 8 that the women were "afraid but filled with joy." What a cool emotion that is! In your own words, try to describe this feeling.

4. Briefly outline the cover-up plan of the chief priests and elders in vv. 11-15.

5. Where does Jesus meet with the disciples?

6. What we refer to as "The Great Commission" is recorded in vv. 16-20. Identify each of the components of this instruction.

7. What is the last sentence Jesus says in Matthew's gospel?

A wealth of historical details are included in Matthew 26 and 27. By comparison, Matthew 28 is brief. The most remarkable event in human history - the resurrection of Jesus Christ - is presented in a matter-of-fact way: "He is not here; he has risen, just as he said" (v. 6).

And with that, the first eye-witnesses of the most spectacular thing that ever happened. One cannot overstate the importance of the resurrection of Jesus.

Truly, this event changed everything. It changed the course of human history, and, if we believe, it radically changes our lives too.

Remarkably, the chief priests - who demanded a sign - now have the ultimate and greatest sign of all. And rather than pause even a moment to consider what has happened, much less investigate if for themselves, they are already committed to their own lifeless narrative. Empty, self-destructive religion and blind pride.

The instruction from the angel, "Come and see ... then quickly go and tell" is a good summary of the Great Commandment given by Jesus. It is good instruction for us too.

Come and see for yourselves, and then share this hope with the world. Make disciples, baptize, teach.

The final promise recorded in Matthew's gospel is an important one: I am with you always. Jesus is the God who never leaves us - what wonderful news this is!

Right now, as you read this, Jesus is with you. And, well, that changes everything. Be encouraged; and, as the ladies did and then as the disciples did - worship him.

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