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  • Pastor Ryan

Day 36 - Romans 3 ("To All Who Believe")


In Romans 1 and 2, Paul has given us a bit of a backdrop for grace. That theme continues in this chapter, with perhaps the key point being: "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (v. 23).

A critical challenge in Rome, as elsewhere during the early days of the church, was the relationship between Jews and Non-Jews (Gentiles). This was an important issue for Paul to address in his letter to Christians from both backgrounds who were living in Rome.

Hopefully that supplies a bit of context, as this chapter begins, "What advantage, then, is there in being a Jew ... Much in every way! First of all, they have been entrusted with the very words of God" (vv. 1-2).


  1. In light of v. 3, does a person's lack of faith affect God's faithfulness?

  2. What does Paul say in vv. 7-8 about the idea that, if my sinning shows more and more how great God is (i.e. his grace, forgiveness), then I should keep on doing it?

  3. Paul includes a number of Old Testament quotations in vv. 10-18. What is the key point he is making?

  4. Based on v. 19, what will happen to the whole world?

  5. Write or type-out or read slowly (out loud) vv. 22-24. What do you think about these verses?

  6. We see the word "justified" in v. 24; and "justice" in v. 25; and "justice," "just," and "justifies" in v. 26. If you can, talk a bit about the relationship between God's justice and the death of Jesus on the cross.

  7. In v. 30, Paul says, "there is only one God." In the context of the surrounding verses, what is he trying to say to the Christians living in Rome?


The book of Romans is a treasure chest. It is full of promises and truth that have been a source of incredible comfort and encouragement to Christ-followers throughout history.

A number of verses from Romans have memorized and are often quoted. Some people basically present the gospel through a few steps within the book - called "The Romans Road."

As is clear in chapter 3, and virtually everywhere else in the book, it is not an easy or simple argument to follow. The text invites careful and thoughtful reading and listening.

And the text invites a response. Because the words of the Bible point us to Jesus, and that reality requires a response.

So, as we work though Romans, be patient, and keep track of your questions. And, through the study, would we get yet closer to the One to whom the text bears witness. As we saw in v. 22 ...

"The righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe."

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