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  • Pastor Ryan

Day 38 - Romans 5 ("Grace Increase")


Yesterday in Romans 4, Paul gave us the example of Abraham. The example was used to help us understand faith and how - Christ - we are justified and declared righteous.

Today in Romans 5, Paul discusses Adam, the first human and, unfortunately, the first one to disobey God. By no means the last one to disobey, and this includes us.

And yet, Paul draws upon that example, to contrast the gift offered to us in Christ. Just as Adam's sin affected everyone, so now the faithfulness of Jesus affects everyone.

And this is not like a 50/50 split or 1 and 1a. No. What Jesus has done exceeds and explodes every possible category and explanation. And we are invited to be a part of it.


  1. From vv. 1-2, what three "haves" do we know have? Explain these briefly.

  2. We find a challenging thought in v. 3, that we would "rejoice in our sufferings." What does this mean?

  3. What does suffering produce? And what does that produce? And what does that produce?

  4. From vv. 6-11, we learn that we were "powerless," "sinners," and "God's enemies." And yet, what did God do?

  5. A key figure in this chapter is Adam. How does Paul draw upon Adam, and his first sin, to help us understand the gift of life that we have in Jesus Christ?

  6. From vv. 18-21, what terms are contrasted with each of the following: trespass, condemnation, disobedience, sin, and death?

  7. BONUS: If you find a favourite verse in this chapter, write it down or read it out loud.


Unavoidably, and inherently, humans are rule-breakers. This, it seems, is part of our nature.

Sometimes these are small acts, other times more substantial. Sometimes we even violate our own goals and values.

Maybe not in every single decision, but still we see a weakness and a selfishness and, maybe we can say, an ugliness that is present deep within us.

Where does this come from? Is it our environment? Is this something we learned?

Well, this is human nature. Beginning with the very first human - Adam.

And yet, there is redemption because God has done something wonderful in sending his Son. And now, just as pervasive as the damage and brokenness was, now life and grace and hope overflow.

Not only was the deficit fully paid, but now the new life and blessing well exceeds the original sin.

Through Christ, there is never a shortage of grace. And the only requirement is faith.

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