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  • Pastor Ryan

Day 48 - Romans 15 ("God Who Gives and Fills")


In today's reading we realize that we are nearing the end of Paul's letter to the church in Rome. He restates his purpose in writing, he shares some of his travel plans, and he requests prayer. He concludes with a blessing for them.

As you read, look carefully for "one another" statements and other instruction for life in community. Notice how the emphasis is to serve and pursue our neighbour's best interest, rather than our own. The example for this is Jesus, who sought our best interest, even at extraordinary cost.


  1. From v. 4, how does The Bible (Scripture) give us hope?

  2. In v. 5, what two things has God given and what is a third thing that Paul is asking for?

  3. What does v. 7 teach us about our standard for accepting each other?

  4. Discuss the "filling" mentioned in v. 13.

  5. Paul provides an explanation of his ministry goals and strategy in vv. 14-20. Can you list a few of these details? In particular, who did Paul want to reach and where did he want to go?

  6. What gift was Paul bringing to the Christians in Jerusalem and why (vv. 25-27)?

  7. What was Paul's prayer request in vv. 30-32?


The "giving" and the "filling" of God are two important ideas in this chapter. As we think about what God gives (for example endurance and encouragement, v. 5) we are reminded to be thankful. We are reminded, furthermore, to pray and ask.

As we receive from God, and experience Him, we desire him and his kingdom more and more. As we pursue him, and worship him, we become like him, more and more. And, as we are filled, would we overflow, so that we can bless and serve others. This was the ministry and mission of Jesus, which continues even now.

Today, along with what we read yesterday, we realize that a mature Christian will always be seeking to bless and encourage her or his neighbour. As we grow in Christ, we move away from selfish ambition.

Then, just as the churches in Macedonia and Achaia did, we want to share materially. And, as Paul had done and planned to do yet further in Spain, we want to share spiritually. Spreading the knowledge of God and the hope of the gospel.

This was Paul's plan and, with the Spirit's help, it can be our plan to. Would "The God of peace be with you all. Amen."

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