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  • Pastor Ryan

Day 8 - Matthew 3

1. As I reflect on this chapter as a whole, three key ideas come to mind: anticipation, timing, and baptism. Based on the chapter, make a short comment on each of these.

2. Part of John's message in v. 2 is, "the kingdom of heaven has come near." What does this mean? Why is it such good news?

3. We read in 3:6 that people were confessing their sins. To some ears and minds, the word "confession" might seem heavy and technical - and there might be good reasons for that. If we take a different approach, maybe thinking about acknowledging, apologizing (literally saying "sorry") and asking God for forgiveness - is that something you can do regularly?

4. In 3:7, John calls the a group of Pharisees and Sadducees a bunch of snakes ("brood of vipers"). Why?

5. Based on vv. 11-15, being as specific as you can, describe John's attitude toward Jesus.

6. In 2-3 sentences, explain why 3:16-17 is so significant.

As we reflect on our progress to this point, we have learned about Jesus' birth and now the beginning of his public life and ministry. Tomorrow, in Matthew 4, we will read about the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness.

As you draw strength from these passages, considering the remarkable things Jesus did and the massive impact on the people around him, be reminded that you are part of this story too. These events were necessary, in order that you too could find forgiveness and life in Jesus. Moreover, for those who believe, we continue his mission - sharing the message of Jesus and building his kingdom in all sorts of ways.

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