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  • Pastor Ryan

Day 9 - Matthew 4

1. How is the Holy Spirit present in 4:1 (what does He do)?

2. What did "the tempter" try to take advantage of in 4:3?

3. What is consistent about Jesus' response to all three temptations?

4. From 4:17, what was the basis of Jesus' preaching message?

5. How do the words "at once" (v. 20) and "immediately" (v. 22) function in Jesus' call to follow him? How can we apply this (respond) as Jesus calls us?

6. What are the three things (hint: -ing words) that Jesus did as he travelled throughout Galilee?

Matthew 4 is a very important chapter (wait, aren't all the chapters really important?! YES). Jesus, 100% God and 100% human, was tempted. He was tempted by the devil, just as we are tempted by the devil - often, at our most vulnerable or weakest state.

As we think about temptation, which unchecked leads to sin, which leads to death ... it is worth noticing how the devil tempts. Often, he takes a good thing (in the case of Jesus eating) and distorts it. This is how sin functions - taking a good thing, and twisting it.

Maybe it's the right thing, but at the wrong time, or brought about the wrong way. Affection within a relationship is a good thing, but only in the context of commitment. Earning is a good thing, but not doing so dishonestly. Physical strength and health is good, but not to be used for violence and the mistreatment of others.

As you think about facing temptation (and we know it will happen), consider how Scripture, and community, and the Holy Spirit, can be more fully present in your life.

Looking ahead, the baptism of Jesus (Matt. 3) and the temptation of Jesus and the call to his first followers (Matt. 4), establishes the framework for his famous sermon - the sermon on the mount. We will begin hearing those words tomorrow in Matt. 5.

Every blessing as you prepare to remember the cross tomorrow on Good Friday. What love compelled our Lord to suffer for our sake.

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